
Workers’ Compensation

If an employee has been injured at work may have a potential California workers’ compensation case. An injured worker has a lot of rights under California law. If you have been injured in an accident on the job, or if your injury is a result of repetitive motion that your job duties require, seek legal[…]


Personal Injury

If your injury was caused accidentally by another’s failure to use reasonable care. The definition of reasonable care is determined on a case-by-case basis. This person or entity may be liable for the injury caused through negligent or reckless action. The injury to the plaintiff must be caused by and be a foreseeable result of[…]


Employment Law

Our Firm serves employees in all areas of the employer/employee relationship following termination, including for unpaid wages and discrimination, harassment and retaliation. Employment law is governed by federal and state statutes, administrative regulations, and judicial decisions. Some of the topics included in employment law include: •  Wage and Hour Law (Overtime, Meal Breaks, Rest Breaks)[…]



Our main goal is to provide you with a plan that allows you as a debtor, who is unable to pay his creditors, to resolve your debts through a division of your assets among your creditors. The philosophy behind the bankruptcy law is to allow any debtor to have a fresh start and not being[…]


Criminal Law

You deserve the best possible legal representation. Early representation and investigation by an experienced attorney may result in charges not being filed or a reduction of the filing to a lesser charge. There are ways to prevent an arrest from becoming a conviction. Our Firm has lawyers devoted exclusively to criminal defense. • Drug Crimes • Drunk Driving[…]